Exam FAQs

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been compiled to answer the questions that candidates ask most often about applying for the examinations, choosing which examinations to enter, preparing for the examinations and requesting replacement certificates.

Policies and Procedures

Recognition of Prior Achievement (RPA):  The Recognition of Prior Achievement (RPA) Policy and Procedure sets out the situations in which RPA may be used and specifies the procedures to be followed in ensuring that previous achievements fully meet the requirements of an IFE qualification.

Please send an up-to-date CV to adminstaff@ife.org.za if you are unsure which exam session to enter or if you cannot find the relevant information.

Reasonable Adjustments: Candidates who have physical, sensory or learning impairments which have a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities may apply for reasonable adjustments. Candidates must submit evidence which specifically states the degree to which the impairment has this adverse effect, and this must be supported by confirmation from a relevant specialist. Candidates should read the IFE’s Reasonable Adjustment Policy and Procedures for Applying for Reasonable Adjustments  for further information and, where appropriate, should submit requests to the IFE using their MyIFE portal.

Results Enquiries and Appeals: Please see the page for the specific examination session for information on relevant dates and fees as well as the procedure to be followed when querying results.

Appeals Procedure: The Appeals Procedure  sets out the processes when appealing decisions related to assessment, reasonable adjustments, special consideration and malpractice/maladministration.

Special Consideration:  Candidates who have encountered unforeseen circumstances on the day of their examination that could have affected their performance during the examination may be eligible to apply for special consideration.  Candidates should read the Procedures for Applying for Special Consideration  which provides information on the circumstances which may warrant special consideration and on the procedure for applying for special consideration.   Applications must be submitted using the appropriate form and within the specified timescale; all applications must include supporting evidence.  Please see the relevant examination page to download the form relevant to the specific examination date.