
Membership of the IFE provides you with a variety of benefits as well as the following:

  • For graded membership, professional recognition in the global fire sector through the use of post nominal, (letters after your name)
  • Improved career prospects and employability
  • Higher earning potential
  • Demonstration of a professional attitude valued by employers and customers
  • International recognition of competence and commitment
  • Evidence of expertise
  • Greater influence within your own organisation and industry depending on your membership grade

Associate grade membership is for those people who meet the academic criteria for Member grade and are working towards gaining the necessary experience required to meet the full Member grade criteria. This makes Associate grade ideal for new graduates of fire-related degrees.

You can also check whether your degree is accredited by the Engineering Council (UK) and if so, apply with us to become Interim Registered as an Incorporated Engineer (IEng) or Chartered Engineer (CEng).

Please note: If you are looking to become Interim registered as an Incorporated or Chartered Engineer, please apply for this rather than applying for Associate alone. A successful Interim application will attain Associate membership automatically so an Associate application does not need to be made.

Associate members of the IFE benefit from:

  • professional recognition in the global fire sector through the use, after your name, of the post nominal AIFireE
  • access to MY IFE, including special interest groups, CPD tracking and current vacancies;
  • International Fire Professional journal, online access to current and archived publications;
  • discounts for the IFE Online Shop and events;
  • involvement in IFE branches, working groups and committees.

Applicants should provide evidence that they have achieved a qualification (or a combination of qualifications) that meets the following criteria:

Academic Requirements :

Applicants should provide evidence that they have achieved a qualification (or a combination of qualifications) that meets the
following criteria:

In a fire-related subject area (to include fire engineering science and/or fire safety)

  • At Level 4 or above Requiring at least 370 hours of learning time (at least 37 credits)

Examples of qualifications that meet the criteria include:

      • IFE Level 4 Diploma in Fire Science and Fire Safety
      • SFJ Awards Level 4 Diploma in Fire Safety (Fire Auditors)
      • Relevant degree

Successful completion (including passing associated assessments) of an IFE Recognised Educational Programme for MIFireE

Chartered Engineer or Incorporated Engineer interim registration through the IFE automatically confers Associate (AIFireE)



Other requirements:

Applicants who are not in a fire
engineering role but who facilitate
fire engineers or fire engineering
and hold a Level 4 or higher
qualification in their specialist area
may apply for an Associate grade.
Please ensure that your application
demonstrates your association to
fire engineering.

Please note that the originality of
your application may be subject
to further scrutiny via
appropriate technology and CPD
may be challenged.


If you do not have a qualification listed above, please email your CV to  email:

Associate Application forms can be downloaded here.

Subscription fees (Annual)
Subscription fees are renewable on 1 January every year. New members joining from October to December will receive these months ‘gratis’ when paying the following year’s rate. Subscription fees are linked to the UK Pound and may therefore be subject to fluctuations in the exchange rate.
Grade / Title 2025 
Student No Charge to those enrolled in fire study including IFE qualifications.
Technician R2,732-98 vat inclusive
Graduate R3,240-13 vat inclusive
Associate R3,550-05 vat inclusive
Member R4,564-35 vat inclusive
Fellow R6,762-00 vat inclusive
Affiliate (Individual) R3,493-70 vat inclusive
Affiliate (Organisation) R18,398-28 vat inclusive

Method of payment

Bank Branch: SWIFT Code: Branch Code: Acct Name: Account No: Standard Bank of SA Ltd Killarney SBZAZAJJ 05-10-01 Institution of Fire Engineers (SA) 300462506
Cash, bank deposit and EFT are all acceptable methods of payment.  Foreign payments must be done via SWIFT transfer from your bank to ours (and are non-refundable). With EFT and bank deposits please send proof of payment with your name and contact number clearly written on it, accompanied by the appropriate application.