The prestigious grade of Fellow is awarded by special Board resolution. However, it may also be applied for by existing MIFireE members
(NB: All applicants for Fellow must have been a Member (MIFireE) of the IFE for a minimum of three continuous years). The FIFireE grade is awarded to those who have demonstrated significant individual responsibility and exceptional contribution to the fire engineering profession over an extended period of time, not normally less than 15 years. Fellows of the IFE also benefit from esteemed professional recognition in the global fire sector through the use of the post nominal FIFireE.
- A completed registration form is here.
- Two Fellow referee statements from current FIFireE members (found on page 2 of the application).
- A CV, or detailed biography, which provides evidence of significant individual responsibility, sustained achievement and exceptional professionalism, successful leadership and/or outstanding service/contribution to the fire engineering profession over an extended period (normally not less than 15 years)
- A Personal Statement of around 500 to 750 words using the below headings as a guide:
- Why you feel you should be approved as a Fellow of the IFE.
- What you have contributed to the IFE during your time as a member. Include details of any volunteer work you carry out for the IFE (e.g. marking and branch activities).
- What you will contribute to the IFE during your time as Fellow.
- At least 2 years of sufficient and relevant Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Applicants are required to submit a CPD Log with their application. Please refer to the CPD Guidance document and IFE Recognised CPD activities to record CPD activities in the CPD Activity Log.
- A copy of a current organisation chart which shows where you are placed within your organisation.
Subscription fees are renewable on 1 January every year. New members joining from October to December will receive these months ‘gratis’ when paying the following year’s rate. Subscription fees are linked to the UK Pound and may therefore be subject to fluctuations in the exchange rate.
Grade / Title | 2025 |
Student | No Charge to those enrolled in fire study including IFE qualifications. |
Technician | R2,732-98 vat inclusive |
Graduate | R3,240-13 vat inclusive |
Associate | R3,550-05 vat inclusive |
Member | R4,564-35 vat inclusive |
Fellow | R6,762-00 vat inclusive |
Affiliate (Individual) | R3,493-70 vat inclusive |
Affiliate (Organisation) | R18,398-28 vat inclusive |
Method of payment
Bank Branch: SWIFT Code: Branch Code: Acct Name: Account No: |
Standard Bank of SA Ltd Killarney SBZAZAJJ 05-10-01 Institution of Fire Engineers (SA) 300462506 |
Cash, bank deposit and EFT are all acceptable methods of payment. Foreign payments must be done via SWIFT transfer from your bank to ours (and are non-refundable). With EFT and bank deposits please send proof of payment with your name and contact number clearly written on it, accompanied by the appropriate application.