IFE Membership

Join the IFE
Membership of the IFE connects you to the world of fire engineering. No matter where you are in your career, whether you are …

Rules of Membership
The IFE draws a distinction between titles and grades of membership. Titles are awarded to persons and …

Membership Benefits
Membership of one of the largest and most international fire engineering associations in the world.
What is Fire Engineering?
Fire Engineering Is a Specialised Field
Fire safety engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the prevention and mitigation of fire hazards. It encompasses the study of fire dynamics, flammability of materials, and the design and installation of fire safety systems.

Qualifications & Examinatins
Prove your knowledge by taking IFE Professional exams
The IFE is an Awarding Body regulated by Ofqual in the UK, offering different levels of internationally-recognised fire-related qualifications.
Learn more about our Qualifications

Continuing Professional Development
The IFE supports the concept and practice of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) believing it to be essential to effective performance as a professional fire engineer. The IFE defines CPD as:
The systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills and the development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional and technical duties throughout the practitioners working life.
Since 1997, the IFE has advocated the adoption of CPD by all its members as the way to further their knowledge, understanding and expertise in whatever field of Fire Engineering they practice. In order to assist its members the IFE has produced a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Guidance, CPD Recognised Activities listing and a CPD Activity Log for members to record their CPD activities. All members of the IFE are encouraged to undertake and record CPD.